2021 News-EN




Security Summit Streaming Edition 2021 ended last week.

Organized by Clusit, the Italian Association for Information Security, and Astrea, an agency specializing in the organization of events in the field of Information Security, Security Summit is the event dedicated to promoting the culture of Cyber Security in Italy.

The November edition focused on current events: between data and analysis of new threats, the Clusit experts also explored the new role of the Intelligence and Defense of the Country System, with some of the protagonists of the political and security world that accompanied the birth of the National Cyber Security Agency.

In particular, during the plenary session on the first day of November 9, 2021, the Clusit Report on ICT Security in Italy in its October 2021 Edition was presented with our data on cyber attacks.

In the first half of 2021, we analyzed 1,053 cyber attacks, 24% more than in the same period of 2020, for a monthly average of 170 serious attacks (it was 156 in 2020).

Attacks carried out for Cybercrime purposes increased by 21%, which today represent 88% of the total.

Attacks related to Information Warfare are also growing (+ 18%), the so-called “information war”, while those related to Cyber Espionage activities apparently decrease (-36.7%), after the extraordinary peak of 2020 mainly due to espionage related to the development of vaccines and treatments for Covid-19.

Among the victims, the “Government” category represents 16% of the total and is confirmed in first place, as in the previous semester, while in second place we find Health, (13% of total attacks).

Attacks on the Transportation / Storage (+ 108.7%), Professional, Scientific, Technical (+ 85.2%), News & Multimedia (+ 65.2%), Wholesale / Retail (+61, 3%), Manufacturing (+ 46.9%), Energy / Utilities (+ 46.2%), Government (+ 39.2%), Arts / Entertainment (+ 36.8%), Healthcare (+18.8 %).

Attacks towards the “Multiple Targets” category decreased (-23.4%), which makes us understand the change of strategy by the attackers who at this point prefer targeted attacks and towards well-identified targets.

In the first half of 2021, attacks on European-based realities increase significantly: a quarter of the attacks are in fact directed towards this area (+ 9% compared to 2020).

The percentages of victims in the American area (almost half of the classified attacks) and those belonging to Asian organizations remain substantially unchanged.

On the other hand, serious attacks on targets with offices distributed in different countries decrease in percentage (16% in the first half of 2021, compared to 24% in 2020), which, once again, makes us understand how much attackers prefer to target more defined targets.

Malware is the most used technique, accounting for 43% of the total (up 10.5% over the previous year).

Unknown techniques (“Unknown” category) are in second place (+ 13.9%), surpassing the “Vulnerability” category, which is growing worryingly (+ 41.4%), and “Phishing / Social Engineering”, which is slightly down (-13%).

In essence, attackers can still rely on the effectiveness of Malware, produced industrially at decreasing costs, and on the exploitation of vulnerabilities, to hit two thirds of their targets (59% of the cases analyzed).

Furthermore, in the first half of 2021 attacks with very important and critical effects are 74% of the total (they were 49% in 2020), while 22% have a significant impact and only 4% low.

Basically, from the trends highlighted in the first 6 months of this year, it is evident that cyber attacks are constantly increasing, both in terms of frequency, criticality and impacts.

The situation can be defined as a global emergency: the losses due to damages caused by Cybercrime amounted to $6 trillion in 2021 and now account for a significant percentage of world GDP.

We hope that the new investments for the digital transition will represent an opportunity for Italy to catch up and fill its gaps also in the Cyber Security field, to lead to a significant reduction of the surface of the country’s attack.

Otherwise, the risk is to introduce new but insecure technology, with the result of worsening the Italian situation overall.

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 13-14-15/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 24 ransomware victims by the notorious Hunters International, LockBit 3.0, Daixin, Medusa, ThreeAM, Black Suit, DragonForce, 8Base, Akira and DarkVault gangs. The average Cyber...

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HACKS OF TODAY 03-04/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 25 ransomware victims by the notorious Rhysida, Ra World, 8Base, INC Ransom, Hunters International, Medusa, Qilin, Black Suit, Cactus and Kill Security gangs. The...

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HACKS OF TODAY 26-27-28-29-30-31/03/2024

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2021 News-EN




With the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM), the European Union promotes awareness of threats and the culture of security among citizens. Exprivia, an international group specialized in Information and Communication Technology – with a strong presence in Southern Italy – , participates in the campaign by organizing the Apulia CyberSecurity Forum, placing the human factor and training at the center of its event.

In fact, we are all worried about software and hardware vulnerabilities, but the human element is the vulnerability that is most often used by attackers

The event is in its second edition and will once again be streamed on November 9-10-11-12, 2021.

During the four days, it will be possible to hear the experiences of industry specialists who will discuss security as intrinsic value, regulations, IoT, AI, zero trust and threat intelligence.

Within the agenda of the CyberSecurity Forum, during the second day, Wednesday 10 November 2021 (at 3:30 PM Italian time), there will be a double interview with our CEO Sofia Scozzari and her husband, Andrea Zapparoli Manzoni, Director of Crowdfense, a UAE-based company that deals with Vulnerability Research Management.

Both well-known and active for over fifteen years in the world of Cyber Security, they will tell us about their experiences, starting from their marriage survived to such a particular profession.

Thanks to the interview by Domenico Raguseo, Head of Digital Factory CyberSecurity Exprivia, various topics will also be explored including the present and future of Cybercrime and Cyber Security, to understand their trends, but also to anticipate the next evolutions.

Operating in two completely different sectors of Cyber Security, Andrea and Sofia can offer a different but complementary vision of this complex area.

Without forgetting the importance of the human factor, especially in the presence of cyber attacks that increase year by year, both in terms of the frequency and the criticality and complexity of criminal operations.

As Sofia likes to repeat, when we talk about cyber attacks we must in fact consider ourselves as if we were walking in a hive: sooner or later it is inevitable to be stung.

It is important to be aware of this and to be well prepared.

Don’t miss the double interview!

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 13-14-15/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 24 ransomware victims by the notorious Hunters International, LockBit 3.0, Daixin, Medusa, ThreeAM, Black Suit, DragonForce, 8Base, Akira and DarkVault gangs. The average Cyber...

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HACKS OF TODAY 03-04/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 25 ransomware victims by the notorious Rhysida, Ra World, 8Base, INC Ransom, Hunters International, Medusa, Qilin, Black Suit, Cactus and Kill Security gangs. The...

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HACKS OF TODAY 26-27-28-29-30-31/03/2024

Today's HOT includes 88 ransomware victims by the notorious Medusa, Rhysida, Play, Qilin, LockBit 3.0, DragonForce, Akira, Hunters International, Ransom Hub, Everest, BianLian, INC Ransom, BlackBasta,...

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2021 News-EN




Cyber ​​attacks are always on the rise, and both the monthly frequency and the criticality are growing because cyber criminals are increasingly determined and precise in their operations.

The victims are the most disparate and no sector is now protected from cybercrime which uses different techniques to pursue the result by penetrating the targeted systems, obtaining data, information or infiltrating malicious software.

On the other hand, digital is increasingly widespread and we all rely every day on computers and smartphones (spoiler: smartphone is a computer!). This exposes us more and more to Cyber ​​risks and threats.

At this point Cybercrime is the main motivation of cyber attacks and more valuable than drugs market. If Cybercrime were a country, it would be the third largest economy in the world after the US and China.

In 2021 Cybercrime causes $6 trillion in damage globally and this figure is expected to increase.

It is therefore a priority to be aware of the situation around us, as well as to stay updated on Cyber ​​Security issues, whose purpose is in fact to protect assets, not only data or IT systems, but everything that has value and is important for companies and people.

In the case of pacemakers connected to the internet or electric cars, for example, we are also talking about human lives because every device connected to the network can potentially be violated.

So, if on the one hand, as we have seen, the value and importance of Cyber ​​Security are undeniable, on the other hand there is still a serious shortage of positions in this sector.

Globally, there are currently 3.5 million job vacancies in the IT security sector, 400,000 in Europe alone, 2 million in the Asia and Pacific regions.

The growth rate in this sector was 350% from 2013 to 2021, a figure never seen before.

And since 2011 the unemployment rate is 0%.

With these tempting premises, why are there no more Cyber ​​Security employees and young people find it hard to choose this course of study?

In part this certainly depends on the still erroneous perception of these functions.

Working in Cyber ​​Security is considered an exclusively technical occupation for which you need a special predisposition, or something reserved only for nerds. Nothing more wrong!

Technical activities are certainly needed, and in this case, the necessary hard skills can be learned.

Positions that are not necessarily technical are also needed to cover managerial, legal, marketing, sales and communication needs.

So, certainly technical skills are useful, but soft skills are equally fundamental: skills such as analytical and deductive reasoning, lateral thinking, predisposition to problem solving, attention to detail, the ability to work in a team and strong communication abilities are more important than you think.

Training it is also essential as well as a good (or better excellent) knowledge of English, curiosity and the desire to continue learning.

But it is above all by leaving your comfort zone that you grow more.

Good job!

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 13-14-15/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 24 ransomware victims by the notorious Hunters International, LockBit 3.0, Daixin, Medusa, ThreeAM, Black Suit, DragonForce, 8Base, Akira and DarkVault gangs. The average Cyber...

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HACKS OF TODAY 03-04/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 25 ransomware victims by the notorious Rhysida, Ra World, 8Base, INC Ransom, Hunters International, Medusa, Qilin, Black Suit, Cactus and Kill Security gangs. The...

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HACKS OF TODAY 26-27-28-29-30-31/03/2024

Today's HOT includes 88 ransomware victims by the notorious Medusa, Rhysida, Play, Qilin, LockBit 3.0, DragonForce, Akira, Hunters International, Ransom Hub, Everest, BianLian, INC Ransom, BlackBasta,...

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