2021 News-EN




Quella che è appena iniziata si presenta come una settimana ricca di eventi imperdibili.

Si inizia martedì 26 ottobre 2021 con:


Con WOMEN FOR SECURITY parteciperemo a questo evento all’interno dell’INTERNET FESTIVAL (IF2021) e affronteremo il tema: chi è un Ethical Hacker, perché il suo ruolo è così importante e quali sono gli altri ruoli della Cyber Security.

La sessione si propone di spiegarlo partendo dalla demo live di un cyber attacco a cura di un Ethical Hacker, per mostrare come i cyber criminali riescono a violare i sistemi.

La demo mostrerà come i cyber criminali riescano ad ottenere l’accesso ai sistemi delle vittime e come sia possibile prendere il controllo di un dispositivo attraverso semplici tecniche di ingegneria sociale ed alcuni “tips and tricks” tecnici.

Approfondiremo quindi il funzionamento di un attacco Phishing, del perché venga utilizzato così di frequente dai cyber criminali e quali siano le tecniche che ne permettano un così alto tasso di successo.

A seguire ci sarà una tavola rotonda alla quale oltre alla nostra founder Sofia Scozzari parteciperanno anche Samanta Fumagalli e Carmen Palumbo. Temi caldi saranno la diffusione del Cybercrime, le esperienze e le figure della Cyber Security – che intervengono quotidianamente anche in ambiti non tecnici come quello Legale, del Marketing e delle Vendite.

Il target dell’evento online sono i ragazzi nella fascia 14-18.

Abbiamo al momento 17 classi di scuola superiore iscritte all’evento.

L’affluenza prevista è quindi di circa 250 studenti (alcuni connessi singolarmente, altre saranno classi connesse come Utente unico, utilizzando la LIM all’interno della classe).

Mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021 alle 18 ora italiana, Sofia Scozzari parteciperà al GeekTalk di Extraordy per parlare de “La Donna nell’IT”.

Nel 2019 le donne rappresentavano il 20% della forza lavoro globale nella Cyber Security (erano l’11% nel 2013).

Pare che entro il 2021 arriveremo al 25%.

In Italia, solo il 14% di donne è dipendente in ambito ICT. La media UE è del 17%, ed è purtroppo in calo da 10 anni.

Uno studio americano del 2020 dimostra invece che le donne sono il 29% della forza lavoro dell’IT in aumento rispetto agli anni precedenti (erano il 26% nel 2019).

Quindi, quanto meno a livello globale, la situazione sta migliorando, ma siamo ancora lontani dai numeri che ci aspetteremmo.

Eppure la disponibilità di posizioni nel settore IT è nota a tutti.

Il tasso di disoccupazione nella Cyber Security è dello 0% dal 2011.

Dal 2013 al 2021 le posizioni in ambito Cyber sono cresciute del 350% e sono previsti 3,5 milioni di posti di lavoro vacanti nel settore della Sicurezza Informatica a livello globale (erano 1 milione nel 2014).

Per quale motivo, nonostante queste premesse, le donne nell’IT e nella Cyber continuino ad essere in minoranza è un mistero.

Non esiste nessun impedimento fisico o alcuna selezione di genere.

Anzi, le donne con le loro caratteristiche uniche, sono dotate naturalmente di soft skills che sono molto utili nell’IT.

Il problema risiede forse nell’educazione, in quanto le donne si autoescludono dalle posizioni tecniche convinte fermamente (e a torto) di non averne la predisposizione.

È proprio sull’educazione che bisogna pensare gli interventi più radicali a mio parere, proponendo attività STEM fin da giovanissime ed andando ad intervenire anche sui giocattoli: meno Barbie e più Lego!

Insomma, l’IT non è un lavoro solo per Nerd!

Buon ascolto e buona visione a tutti, non mancate!

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 26/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 19 victims by the notorious Rhysida, Everest, RansomHouse, DarkVault, RansomHub, Medusa, Hunters International, Cactus  and dAn0n gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.2. Read...

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HACKS OF TODAY 25/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 8 ransomware victims by the notorious RansomHub, Hunters International, Black Suit, Qiulong, DarkVault, RansomHouse, Qilin and MyData gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.0....

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HACKS OF TODAY 24/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 10 ransomware victims by the notorious RansomHouse, Black Suit, Rhysida, BianLian, RansomHub, BlackBasta, Eraleig and Qiulong gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.4. Read...

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2021 News-EN




Italy finally has a National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN), a government body for the protection of national interests in the field of Cyber Security.

Founded in August 2021, the agency is led by Roberto Baldoni, former deputy director of DIS (Department of Information for Security), under the direct responsibility of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Even if arrived late compared to other countries (Germany inaugurated its agency in 1991, Israel in 2002, France in 2006), the Italian agency is already in full swing, ready to manage information, resilience and security of the country in the IT sector, as well as the protection of national security in the cyber space.

The agency will also handle the certification of the ICT equipment through the CVCN (National Assessment and Certification Center).

The priority is the creation of skills capable of defending Italian strategic assets (from hospitals to the Public Administration) from attacks, in order to raise the country’s Cyber resilience.

In this regard, the agency intends to reach 300 people by the end of 2023, but the most ambitious goal is to reach around 800 by 2027.

Therefore, these are demanding projects, which have already been anticipated by past activities, such as the creation of the CSIRT (Computer Incident Response Team), for the reporting and proactive management of incidents.

Furthermore, thanks to the work carried out within the DIS, it was possible to lay the foundations to build the Italian cyber resilience and work on the birth of the Agency by outlining for the first time the “National cyber security perimeter“.

The Perimeter, operational since June 23, includes both public and private subjects who exercise essential functions for the country (through networks, information systems and IT services), or provide essential services for the maintenance of civil, social, economic and strategic activities.

The identified subjects (233 at the moment) have to apply the provided security measures and notify the Italian CSIRT of any incidents that may occur.

The third pillar on which the “cyber perimeter” is based and which will be active from June 2022, is built by technological scrutiny thanks to the system centered on the CVCN.

To raise the security level of the country, it is important to ensure the security, not only of the systems, but also of the devices used within strategic ICT assets.

So, good work Italian National Cybersecurity Agency!

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 26/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 19 victims by the notorious Rhysida, Everest, RansomHouse, DarkVault, RansomHub, Medusa, Hunters International, Cactus  and dAn0n gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.2. Read...

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HACKS OF TODAY 25/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 8 ransomware victims by the notorious RansomHub, Hunters International, Black Suit, Qiulong, DarkVault, RansomHouse, Qilin and MyData gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.0....

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HACKS OF TODAY 24/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 10 ransomware victims by the notorious RansomHouse, Black Suit, Rhysida, BianLian, RansomHub, BlackBasta, Eraleig and Qiulong gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.4. Read...

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2021 News-EN




ECSM (European Cyber Security Month) is an initiative coordinated by Enisa (European Union Agency for Information Security) and the European Commission, with the aim of promoting Cyber Security through events and initiatives to raise awareness.

The campaign takes place every year in October and is supported by EU Member States and hundreds of European partners.

Since its first edition in 2012, the European Cyber Security Month has promoted its activities by adopting the slogan “Information Security is a shared responsibility”.

The EU Cyber Security Agency coordinates the organization of the ECSM campaign each year by acting as a “hub” for all Member States, EU institutions and participating organizations.

The 2021 edition is strongly influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, which although it helped to spread the use of digital, on the other hand had put system security to a severe test.

The main objective is always to ensure that EU end users and organizations receive correct information about Cyber Security in order to understand risks and main threats.

#ThinkB4UClick (think before clicking) is therefore the main theme of this year’s campaign, in its 2 forms:

  • First aid, guidelines on what to do if you fall victim to a cyber attack
  • Be cyber-safe at home

Even this year the European Cyber Security Month will be supported in Italy by Clusit (Italian Association for Cyber Security) together with various organizations, universities and research centers.


You can find the list of initiatives promoted by the association for the ECSM2021 campaign in CLUSIT website.

As a member of the Clusit Scientific Committee, our CEO Sofia Scozzari is one of the Italian Partners for the ECSM2021 and she will participate with a series of events and initiatives.

To join the campaign, you can add an activity on the Cyber Security Month website or by sending it to Clusit.

You can also support the campaign online on Twitter or Facebook with references to @CyberSecMonth, #CyberSecMonth, #ThinkB4UClick

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 26/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 19 victims by the notorious Rhysida, Everest, RansomHouse, DarkVault, RansomHub, Medusa, Hunters International, Cactus  and dAn0n gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.2. Read...

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HACKS OF TODAY 25/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 8 ransomware victims by the notorious RansomHub, Hunters International, Black Suit, Qiulong, DarkVault, RansomHouse, Qilin and MyData gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.0....

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HACKS OF TODAY 24/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 10 ransomware victims by the notorious RansomHouse, Black Suit, Rhysida, BianLian, RansomHub, BlackBasta, Eraleig and Qiulong gangs. The average Cyber Risk Factor is  4.4. Read...

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