2021 News-EN




Cyber ​​attacks are always on the rise, and both the monthly frequency and the criticality are growing because cyber criminals are increasingly determined and precise in their operations.

The victims are the most disparate and no sector is now protected from cybercrime which uses different techniques to pursue the result by penetrating the targeted systems, obtaining data, information or infiltrating malicious software.

On the other hand, digital is increasingly widespread and we all rely every day on computers and smartphones (spoiler: smartphone is a computer!). This exposes us more and more to Cyber ​​risks and threats.

At this point Cybercrime is the main motivation of cyber attacks and more valuable than drugs market. If Cybercrime were a country, it would be the third largest economy in the world after the US and China.

In 2021 Cybercrime causes $6 trillion in damage globally and this figure is expected to increase.

It is therefore a priority to be aware of the situation around us, as well as to stay updated on Cyber ​​Security issues, whose purpose is in fact to protect assets, not only data or IT systems, but everything that has value and is important for companies and people.

In the case of pacemakers connected to the internet or electric cars, for example, we are also talking about human lives because every device connected to the network can potentially be violated.

So, if on the one hand, as we have seen, the value and importance of Cyber ​​Security are undeniable, on the other hand there is still a serious shortage of positions in this sector.

Globally, there are currently 3.5 million job vacancies in the IT security sector, 400,000 in Europe alone, 2 million in the Asia and Pacific regions.

The growth rate in this sector was 350% from 2013 to 2021, a figure never seen before.

And since 2011 the unemployment rate is 0%.

With these tempting premises, why are there no more Cyber ​​Security employees and young people find it hard to choose this course of study?

In part this certainly depends on the still erroneous perception of these functions.

Working in Cyber ​​Security is considered an exclusively technical occupation for which you need a special predisposition, or something reserved only for nerds. Nothing more wrong!

Technical activities are certainly needed, and in this case, the necessary hard skills can be learned.

Positions that are not necessarily technical are also needed to cover managerial, legal, marketing, sales and communication needs.

So, certainly technical skills are useful, but soft skills are equally fundamental: skills such as analytical and deductive reasoning, lateral thinking, predisposition to problem solving, attention to detail, the ability to work in a team and strong communication abilities are more important than you think.

Training it is also essential as well as a good (or better excellent) knowledge of English, curiosity and the desire to continue learning.

But it is above all by leaving your comfort zone that you grow more.

Good job!

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 02/05/2024

Today's HOT includes 22 victims by the notorious BianLian, Ra World, RansomHub, INC Ransom, Ransomware Blog, Rhysida, Akira and Underground Team gangs. The average Cyber...

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HACKS OF TODAY 27-28-29/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 30 ransomware victims by the notorious Apos, Play, LockBit 3.0, RansomHub, INC Ransom, Black Suit, Eraleig, Qiulong, Hunters International, 8Base, BlackBasta and Space Bears...

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2021 News-EN




Quella che è appena iniziata si presenta come una settimana ricca di eventi imperdibili.

Si inizia martedì 26 ottobre 2021 con:


Con WOMEN FOR SECURITY parteciperemo a questo evento all’interno dell’INTERNET FESTIVAL (IF2021) e affronteremo il tema: chi è un Ethical Hacker, perché il suo ruolo è così importante e quali sono gli altri ruoli della Cyber Security.

La sessione si propone di spiegarlo partendo dalla demo live di un cyber attacco a cura di un Ethical Hacker, per mostrare come i cyber criminali riescono a violare i sistemi.

La demo mostrerà come i cyber criminali riescano ad ottenere l’accesso ai sistemi delle vittime e come sia possibile prendere il controllo di un dispositivo attraverso semplici tecniche di ingegneria sociale ed alcuni “tips and tricks” tecnici.

Approfondiremo quindi il funzionamento di un attacco Phishing, del perché venga utilizzato così di frequente dai cyber criminali e quali siano le tecniche che ne permettano un così alto tasso di successo.

A seguire ci sarà una tavola rotonda alla quale oltre alla nostra founder Sofia Scozzari parteciperanno anche Samanta Fumagalli e Carmen Palumbo. Temi caldi saranno la diffusione del Cybercrime, le esperienze e le figure della Cyber Security – che intervengono quotidianamente anche in ambiti non tecnici come quello Legale, del Marketing e delle Vendite.

Il target dell’evento online sono i ragazzi nella fascia 14-18.

Abbiamo al momento 17 classi di scuola superiore iscritte all’evento.

L’affluenza prevista è quindi di circa 250 studenti (alcuni connessi singolarmente, altre saranno classi connesse come Utente unico, utilizzando la LIM all’interno della classe).

Mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021 alle 18 ora italiana, Sofia Scozzari parteciperà al GeekTalk di Extraordy per parlare de “La Donna nell’IT”.

Nel 2019 le donne rappresentavano il 20% della forza lavoro globale nella Cyber Security (erano l’11% nel 2013).

Pare che entro il 2021 arriveremo al 25%.

In Italia, solo il 14% di donne è dipendente in ambito ICT. La media UE è del 17%, ed è purtroppo in calo da 10 anni.

Uno studio americano del 2020 dimostra invece che le donne sono il 29% della forza lavoro dell’IT in aumento rispetto agli anni precedenti (erano il 26% nel 2019).

Quindi, quanto meno a livello globale, la situazione sta migliorando, ma siamo ancora lontani dai numeri che ci aspetteremmo.

Eppure la disponibilità di posizioni nel settore IT è nota a tutti.

Il tasso di disoccupazione nella Cyber Security è dello 0% dal 2011.

Dal 2013 al 2021 le posizioni in ambito Cyber sono cresciute del 350% e sono previsti 3,5 milioni di posti di lavoro vacanti nel settore della Sicurezza Informatica a livello globale (erano 1 milione nel 2014).

Per quale motivo, nonostante queste premesse, le donne nell’IT e nella Cyber continuino ad essere in minoranza è un mistero.

Non esiste nessun impedimento fisico o alcuna selezione di genere.

Anzi, le donne con le loro caratteristiche uniche, sono dotate naturalmente di soft skills che sono molto utili nell’IT.

Il problema risiede forse nell’educazione, in quanto le donne si autoescludono dalle posizioni tecniche convinte fermamente (e a torto) di non averne la predisposizione.

È proprio sull’educazione che bisogna pensare gli interventi più radicali a mio parere, proponendo attività STEM fin da giovanissime ed andando ad intervenire anche sui giocattoli: meno Barbie e più Lego!

Insomma, l’IT non è un lavoro solo per Nerd!

Buon ascolto e buona visione a tutti, non mancate!

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 02/05/2024

Today's HOT includes 22 victims by the notorious BianLian, Ra World, RansomHub, INC Ransom, Ransomware Blog, Rhysida, Akira and Underground Team gangs. The average Cyber...

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HACKS OF TODAY 27-28-29/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 30 ransomware victims by the notorious Apos, Play, LockBit 3.0, RansomHub, INC Ransom, Black Suit, Eraleig, Qiulong, Hunters International, 8Base, BlackBasta and Space Bears...

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2021 News-EN




Data backup is not only a necessary step for a good business management.

When ransomware are in fact the most present and worrying cyber threat, Backup represents a solution to deal with any scenario that could compromise data and IT systems functionality, ensuring operational continuity.


Let’s see the three reasons why it’s important to have a good backup solution – and keep it separate from the IT systems! -:


1) Technology is not unfailing


In recent years we have witnessed enormous changes in our relationship with technology, relying always more on electronic devices such as computers and smartphones, and less on paper.

The result is that our most important information is often contained only on devices which by their nature are subject to unpredictable failures and malfunctions.

Backups help manage fatalities without data loss.


2) Humans make mistakes


Although we try to aspire to perfection, the truth is that we are human and therefore sooner or later we will make mistakes.

Errors such as accidental deletion of data, loss of important devices, incorrect procedure, can permanently compromise data.

A data backup and recovery solution is essential in order to be able to correct any mistakes.


3) The unexpected is just around the corner


Malware, and in particular Ransomware, are the main cause of disruption at the moment. It is estimated that 1 in 10 computers are infected with malware every month, while in 2019 a business was victimized by Ransomware every 14 seconds.

Thefts, data breaches, losses, various malfunctions (accidental or not), are other problems now on the agenda and totally unpredictable.

Being caught unprepared can cause, in addition to the permanent loss of data, the increase of IT costs, the reduction of trust in the company, the compromise of the relationship with the customer, reputational problems.


Ensuring a good backup and recovery plan helps to manage the unexpected and to maintain business confidence from customers, employees and investors.


In this scenario, Hackmanac can help you by verifying that the chosen Backup process is valid and sufficiently functional (i.e., separated from the systems it safeguards, always updated and easily manageable), in order to ensure resilience in the event of attacks or accidents.

Latest news

HACKS OF TODAY 02/05/2024

Today's HOT includes 22 victims by the notorious BianLian, Ra World, RansomHub, INC Ransom, Ransomware Blog, Rhysida, Akira and Underground Team gangs. The average Cyber...

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HACKS OF TODAY 27-28-29/04/2024

Today's HOT includes 30 ransomware victims by the notorious Apos, Play, LockBit 3.0, RansomHub, INC Ransom, Black Suit, Eraleig, Qiulong, Hunters International, 8Base, BlackBasta and Space Bears...

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